General a multivariate confidence interval for a set of scores
multivariate_ci(x, r_xx, mu, sigma, ci = 0.95, v_names = names(x))
A data frame with the following columns:
- Variable namesx
- Variable scoresr_xx
- Reliability coefficientsmu_univariate
- Expected true score estimated from the corresponding observed scoresee_univariate
- Standard error of the estimate computed from the corresponding reliability coefficientmu_multivariate
- Expected true score estimated from all observed scoressee_multivariate
- Standard error of the estimate computed from the corresponding reliability coefficientupper_univariate
- upper bound of univariate confidence intervallower_univariate
- lower bound of univariate confidence intervalupper_multivariate
- upper bound of multivariate confidence intervallower_multivariate
- lower bound of multivariate confidence interval
# Observed Scores
x <- c(
vci = 130,
vsi = 130,
fri = 70,
wmi = 130,
psi = 130
# Reliability Coefficients
r_xx <- c(
vci = .92,
vsi = .92,
fri = .93,
wmi = .92,
psi = .88
# Correlation matrix
R <- ("
index vci vsi fri wmi psi
vci 1.00 0.59 0.59 0.53 0.30
vsi 0.59 1.00 0.62 0.50 0.36
fri 0.59 0.62 1.00 0.53 0.31
wmi 0.53 0.50 0.53 1.00 0.36
psi 0.30 0.36 0.31 0.36 1.00") |>
readr::read_tsv() |>
tibble::column_to_rownames("index") |>
#> Rows: 5 Columns: 6
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: "\t"
#> chr (1): index
#> dbl (5): vci, vsi, fri, wmi, psi
#> ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#> ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# Covariance matrix
sigma <- R * 15 ^ 2
# Population means#'
mu <- rep(100, 5)
mci <- multivariate_ci(
x = x,
r_xx = r_xx,
mu = mu,
sigma = sigma
#> variable x r_xx mu_univariate see_univariate mu_multivariate
#> vci vci 130 0.92 127.6 4.069398 126.69804
#> vsi vsi 130 0.92 127.6 4.069398 126.11601
#> fri fri 70 0.93 72.1 3.827205 77.64056
#> wmi wmi 130 0.92 127.6 4.069398 127.29155
#> psi psi 130 0.88 126.4 4.874423 127.38539
#> see_multivariate upper_univariate lower_univariate upper_multivariate
#> vci 3.911922 135.57587 119.62413 134.36526
#> vsi 3.896561 135.57587 119.62413 133.75313
#> fri 3.685405 79.60118 64.59882 84.86382
#> wmi 3.953840 135.57587 119.62413 135.04093
#> psi 4.803025 135.95369 116.84631 136.79915
#> lower_multivariate
#> vci 119.0308
#> vsi 118.4789
#> fri 70.4173
#> wmi 119.5422
#> psi 117.9716
# Conditional covariance of true score estimates
attr(mci, "conditional_covariance")
#> vci vsi fri wmi psi
#> vci 15.3031321 0.7940793 0.6610628 0.6064452 0.1059996
#> vsi 0.7940793 15.1831840 0.8677571 0.3369836 0.5206229
#> fri 0.6610628 0.8677571 13.5822068 0.5011386 0.1153453
#> wmi 0.6064452 0.3369836 0.5011386 15.6328484 0.5570710
#> psi 0.1059996 0.5206229 0.1153453 0.5570710 23.0690477