Plot group means and test to see if their differences are statistically significant.

W. Joel Schneider


March 5, 2024

Load Packages


Import Data and Create Labelled Factors

The haven package will import data as a “tibble.” A tibble is a container for tabular data. It is an enhancement of the base R’s data.frame.

Hadley Wickham, the programmer who started the tidyverse, enjoys naming things precisely but with a touch of humor. “Tibble” is what people in the U.S. sometimes hear when New Zealanders like Hadley say the word “table.”

# File location
file <- ""

# Import SPSS data file using haven
# Also, change the Attachment variable to a factor
d <- haven::read_spss(file) %>%
  mutate(Attachment = as_factor(Attachment))


The variables in d are:

  • Attachment: Classifies each person’s attachment type: Secure, Avoidant, or Ambivalent
  • Anxiety_Questionnaire: A summary score from a questionnaire measure of anxiety
  • Anxiety_Physiological: A summary score from various physiological measures of anxiety

There are 300 rows (cases) and 3 columns (variables).

Let’s get a sense of what is in the data frame.

We can look at the first 6 rows of the data using the head function:

# A tibble: 6 × 3
  Attachment Anxiety_Physiological Anxiety_Questionnaire
  <fct>                      <dbl>                 <dbl>
1 Secure                      59.8                  57.9
2 Ambivalent                  63.3                  63.4
3 Avoidant                    72.2                  51.5
4 Secure                      41.6                  38.6
5 Ambivalent                  77.8                  82.5
6 Ambivalent                  51.6                  50.8

A nice summary of what the variables are:

d (300 rows and 3 variables, 3 shown)

ID | Name                  | Type        | Missings |         Values |           N
1  | Attachment            | categorical | 0 (0.0%) |         Secure | 110 (36.7%)
   |                       |             |          |       Avoidant |  85 (28.3%)
   |                       |             |          |     Ambivalent | 105 (35.0%)
2  | Anxiety_Physiological | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) | [22.78, 93.88] |         300
3  | Anxiety_Questionnaire | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) | [21.79, 92.38] |         300

Selecting specific variables

Data sets in tutorials like this one are often unrealistically small. If there are only three variables, we are happy to describe all the variables in a single table.

Real data sets can have dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of variables. Describing hundreds of variables in a single table is usually impractical. We need a way to select from the data just the variables we want.

There are many ways to select variables in R, but I am going to keep things simple and consistent. I will use the select function from the tidyverse any time I select a variable. The select function is rarely used by itself. We use it as a preliminary step before doing something else (i.e., to specify which variables to describe, analyze, or plot). For this reason, it is often used in the middle sequence of commands linked with the “pipe” operator: %>%

d %>% 
  select(Anxiety_Questionnaire, Anxiety_Physiological) %>% 
                      Anxiety_Questionnaire Anxiety_Physiological
Anxiety_Questionnaire                  1.00                  0.75
Anxiety_Physiological                  0.75                  1.00

The pipe operator inserts the output of the previous command into the next function. You can think of it as meaning “and then…”

The code above can be interpreted as a series of steps: 1. Start with the data in dAND THEN 2. Select the variables Anxiety_Questionnaire and Anxiety_Physiological AND THEN 3. Create a correlation matrix.

It makes it convenient to link a series of commands in a readable format.

You can select as many variables as you wish, separated by commas. You do not need to put variable names in quotes.

The select function allows for selecting as many variables from the data as you wish:

d %>% 
  select(Attachment, Anxiety_Physiological)
# A tibble: 300 × 2
   Attachment Anxiety_Physiological
   <fct>                      <dbl>
 1 Secure                      59.8
 2 Ambivalent                  63.3
 3 Avoidant                    72.2
 4 Secure                      41.6
 5 Ambivalent                  77.8
 6 Ambivalent                  51.6
 7 Secure                      57.7
 8 Ambivalent                  69.6
 9 Avoidant                    67.7
10 Avoidant                    71.7
# ℹ 290 more rows

Use the - sign to exclude a variable:

d %>% 
# A tibble: 300 × 2
   Anxiety_Physiological Anxiety_Questionnaire
                   <dbl>                 <dbl>
 1                  59.8                  57.9
 2                  63.3                  63.4
 3                  72.2                  51.5
 4                  41.6                  38.6
 5                  77.8                  82.5
 6                  51.6                  50.8
 7                  57.7                  56.1
 8                  69.6                  75.9
 9                  67.7                  49.7
10                  71.7                  52.3
# ℹ 290 more rows

Select variables that contain “Anxiety”

d %>% 
# A tibble: 300 × 2
   Anxiety_Physiological Anxiety_Questionnaire
                   <dbl>                 <dbl>
 1                  59.8                  57.9
 2                  63.3                  63.4
 3                  72.2                  51.5
 4                  41.6                  38.6
 5                  77.8                  82.5
 6                  51.6                  50.8
 7                  57.7                  56.1
 8                  69.6                  75.9
 9                  67.7                  49.7
10                  71.7                  52.3
# ℹ 290 more rows

R’s delightful flexibility makes for a bewildering array of options! Here just a few of the many ways we could select the Attachment variable from data.frame d:

# By name
d[, "Attachment"] 
# A tibble: 300 × 1
 1 Secure    
 2 Ambivalent
 3 Avoidant  
 4 Secure    
 5 Ambivalent
 6 Ambivalent
 7 Secure    
 8 Ambivalent
 9 Avoidant  
10 Avoidant  
# ℹ 290 more rows
# By position
d[, 1] 
# A tibble: 300 × 1
 1 Secure    
 2 Ambivalent
 3 Avoidant  
 4 Secure    
 5 Ambivalent
 6 Ambivalent
 7 Secure    
 8 Ambivalent
 9 Avoidant  
10 Avoidant  
# ℹ 290 more rows
# Selecting always returns a data.frame or tibble
select(d, Attachment)
# A tibble: 300 × 1
 1 Secure    
 2 Ambivalent
 3 Avoidant  
 4 Secure    
 5 Ambivalent
 6 Ambivalent
 7 Secure    
 8 Ambivalent
 9 Avoidant  
10 Avoidant  
# ℹ 290 more rows
# Extracting a vector from the data
  [1] Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant   Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent
  [7] Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant   Avoidant   Avoidant   Secure    
 [13] Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure    
 [19] Avoidant   Secure     Avoidant   Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure    
 [25] Avoidant   Avoidant   Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure    
 [31] Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent Avoidant   Avoidant  
 [37] Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent Secure    
 [43] Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent Avoidant  
 [49] Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent
 [55] Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent Avoidant   Ambivalent
 [61] Ambivalent Ambivalent Avoidant   Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant  
 [67] Avoidant   Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Secure     Secure    
 [73] Secure     Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent
 [79] Avoidant   Avoidant   Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant  
 [85] Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant  
 [91] Ambivalent Avoidant   Avoidant   Avoidant   Avoidant   Secure    
 [97] Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Avoidant   Secure     Avoidant  
[103] Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Avoidant  
[109] Secure     Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant   Avoidant  
[115] Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant  
[121] Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent
[127] Avoidant   Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant   Secure     Ambivalent
[133] Secure     Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Avoidant   Ambivalent
[139] Secure     Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Avoidant   Secure    
[145] Avoidant   Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Secure    
[151] Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure    
[157] Ambivalent Secure     Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent
[163] Secure     Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Secure     Ambivalent
[169] Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure     Secure     Ambivalent
[175] Avoidant   Ambivalent Avoidant   Secure     Avoidant   Avoidant  
[181] Ambivalent Avoidant   Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent
[187] Secure     Ambivalent Secure     Secure     Secure     Avoidant  
[193] Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Secure    
[199] Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant   Avoidant   Ambivalent
[205] Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure     Secure     Secure     Secure    
[211] Ambivalent Avoidant   Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure    
[217] Avoidant   Secure     Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Ambivalent
[223] Avoidant   Avoidant   Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent Avoidant  
[229] Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent Avoidant   Ambivalent Avoidant  
[235] Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Avoidant  
[241] Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent
[247] Avoidant   Avoidant   Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure    
[253] Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Secure     Secure     Secure    
[259] Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Avoidant  
[265] Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent Avoidant  
[271] Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant  
[277] Ambivalent Secure     Secure     Secure     Secure     Ambivalent
[283] Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant   Avoidant  
[289] Ambivalent Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant  
[295] Ambivalent Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Secure     Avoidant  
Levels: Secure Avoidant Ambivalent
# Pulling a vector frome the data (a pipe-friendly version of `$`)
d %>% 
  [1] Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant   Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent
  [7] Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant   Avoidant   Avoidant   Secure    
 [13] Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure    
 [19] Avoidant   Secure     Avoidant   Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure    
 [25] Avoidant   Avoidant   Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure    
 [31] Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent Avoidant   Avoidant  
 [37] Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent Secure    
 [43] Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent Avoidant  
 [49] Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent
 [55] Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent Avoidant   Ambivalent
 [61] Ambivalent Ambivalent Avoidant   Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant  
 [67] Avoidant   Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Secure     Secure    
 [73] Secure     Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent
 [79] Avoidant   Avoidant   Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant  
 [85] Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant  
 [91] Ambivalent Avoidant   Avoidant   Avoidant   Avoidant   Secure    
 [97] Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Avoidant   Secure     Avoidant  
[103] Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Avoidant  
[109] Secure     Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant   Avoidant  
[115] Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant  
[121] Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent
[127] Avoidant   Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant   Secure     Ambivalent
[133] Secure     Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Avoidant   Ambivalent
[139] Secure     Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Avoidant   Secure    
[145] Avoidant   Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Secure    
[151] Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure    
[157] Ambivalent Secure     Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent
[163] Secure     Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Secure     Ambivalent
[169] Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure     Secure     Ambivalent
[175] Avoidant   Ambivalent Avoidant   Secure     Avoidant   Avoidant  
[181] Ambivalent Avoidant   Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent
[187] Secure     Ambivalent Secure     Secure     Secure     Avoidant  
[193] Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Secure    
[199] Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant   Avoidant   Ambivalent
[205] Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure     Secure     Secure     Secure    
[211] Ambivalent Avoidant   Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure    
[217] Avoidant   Secure     Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Ambivalent
[223] Avoidant   Avoidant   Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent Avoidant  
[229] Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent Avoidant   Ambivalent Avoidant  
[235] Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Avoidant  
[241] Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent
[247] Avoidant   Avoidant   Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure    
[253] Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Secure     Secure     Secure    
[259] Secure     Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure     Avoidant   Avoidant  
[265] Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent Ambivalent Avoidant  
[271] Ambivalent Ambivalent Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant  
[277] Ambivalent Secure     Secure     Secure     Secure     Ambivalent
[283] Avoidant   Ambivalent Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant   Avoidant  
[289] Ambivalent Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Ambivalent Avoidant  
[295] Ambivalent Avoidant   Secure     Secure     Secure     Avoidant  
Levels: Secure Avoidant Ambivalent

In this case, there is no strong reason to prefer one method over the other. As you gain experience with R, you might find reasons to use different methods of selection. For now, we will stick to select

Basic descriptives

Numeric variables can be described in terms of means, standard deviations (SD), interquartile ranges (IQR), skewness, and kurtosis:

Variable              |  Mean |    SD |   IQR |          Range | Skewness
Anxiety_Physiological | 60.49 | 12.79 | 16.43 | [22.78, 93.88] |    -0.29
Anxiety_Questionnaire | 55.11 | 13.30 | 18.24 | [21.79, 92.38] |     0.05

Variable              | Kurtosis |   n | n_Missing
Anxiety_Physiological |     0.24 | 300 |         0
Anxiety_Questionnaire |    -0.16 | 300 |         0

Categorical variables are often described in terms of frequencies tables.

d %>% 
  select(Attachment) %>% 
Attachment (Attachment) <categorical>
# total N=300 valid N=300

Value      |   N | Raw % | Valid % | Cumulative %
Secure     | 110 | 36.67 |   36.67 |        36.67
Avoidant   |  85 | 28.33 |   28.33 |        65.00
Ambivalent | 105 | 35.00 |   35.00 |       100.00
<NA>       |   0 |  0.00 |    <NA> |         <NA>

We can get descriptives statistics of our numeric variables separated by group. There are many ways to do this, but the simplest is the describeBy function from the psych package

psych::describeBy(d, group = "Attachment")

 Descriptive statistics by group 
Attachment: 1
                      vars   n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range  skew
Attachment               1 110    1  0      1       1   0   1   1     0   NaN
Anxiety_Physiological    2 110   50 11     51      51  12  23  70    48 -0.44
Anxiety_Questionnaire    3 110   50 11     51      51  12  23  70    46 -0.36
                      kurtosis se
Attachment                 NaN  0
Anxiety_Physiological    -0.41  1
Anxiety_Questionnaire    -0.61  1
Attachment: 2
                      vars  n mean   sd median trimmed mad min max range skew
Attachment               1 85    2  0.0      2       2 0.0   2   2     0  NaN
Anxiety_Physiological    2 85   67  9.8     67      67 9.5  46  94    48 0.27
Anxiety_Questionnaire    3 85   48 10.6     48      48 9.9  22  74    52 0.11
                      kurtosis  se
Attachment                 NaN 0.0
Anxiety_Physiological    -0.13 1.1
Anxiety_Questionnaire    -0.10 1.1
Attachment: 3
                      vars   n mean  sd median trimmed mad min max range skew
Attachment               1 105    3 0.0      3       3 0.0   3   3     0  NaN
Anxiety_Physiological    2 105   66 9.3     65      66 7.8  45  94    48 0.19
Anxiety_Questionnaire    3 105   66 9.9     66      66 9.3  44  92    48 0.31
                      kurtosis   se
Attachment                 NaN 0.00
Anxiety_Physiological     0.08 0.91
Anxiety_Questionnaire    -0.10 0.97

The datawizard package has some really nice functions for descriptives:

d %>% 
    select = contains("Anxiety") , 
    by = "Attachment")
# Mean of Anxiety_Physiological by Attachment

Category   |  Mean |   N |    SD |         95% CI |      p
Secure     | 49.95 | 110 | 10.67 | [48.08, 51.83] | < .001
Avoidant   | 67.20 |  85 |  9.84 | [65.07, 69.33] | < .001
Ambivalent | 66.09 | 105 |  9.33 | [64.17, 68.00] | < .001
Total      | 60.49 | 300 | 12.79 |                |       

Anova: R2=0.395; adj.R2=0.391; F=96.988; p<.001

# Mean of Anxiety_Questionnaire by Attachment

Category   |  Mean |   N |    SD |         95% CI |      p
Secure     | 50.09 | 110 | 10.90 | [48.13, 52.05] | < .001
Avoidant   | 47.82 |  85 | 10.57 | [45.59, 50.06] | < .001
Ambivalent | 66.27 | 105 |  9.90 | [64.26, 68.28] | < .001
Total      | 55.11 | 300 | 13.30 |                |       

Anova: R2=0.385; adj.R2=0.381; F=92.975; p<.001

The skimr package is also quite nice:

# Overall summary
d %>% 
Data summary
Name Piped data
Number of rows 300
Number of columns 3
Column type frequency:
factor 1
numeric 2
Group variables None

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
Attachment 0 1 FALSE 3 Sec: 110, Amb: 105, Avo: 85

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
Anxiety_Physiological 0 1 60 13 23 53 61 69 94 ▁▃▇▅▁
Anxiety_Questionnaire 0 1 55 13 22 46 55 64 92 ▂▆▇▅▁
# Grouped summaries
d %>% 
  group_by(Attachment) %>% 
Data summary
Name Piped data
Number of rows 300
Number of columns 3
Column type frequency:
numeric 2
Group variables Attachment

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable Attachment n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
Anxiety_Physiological Secure 0 1 50 10.7 23 43 51 58 70 ▂▅▆▇▃
Anxiety_Physiological Avoidant 0 1 67 9.8 46 61 67 73 94 ▂▇▇▅▁
Anxiety_Physiological Ambivalent 0 1 66 9.3 45 61 65 72 94 ▃▆▇▃▁
Anxiety_Questionnaire Secure 0 1 50 10.9 23 42 51 59 70 ▂▅▇▇▆
Anxiety_Questionnaire Avoidant 0 1 48 10.6 22 41 48 54 74 ▁▅▇▃▂
Anxiety_Questionnaire Ambivalent 0 1 66 9.9 44 60 66 72 92 ▂▆▇▃▂

These are convenience functions. If they do exactly what you want, great! However, I often need statistics in a data frame in a format optimal for further processing (e.g., for publication-worthy tables or plots).

d_descriptives <- d %>% 
               names_to = "Measure") %>% 
  summarise(Mean = mean(value),
            SD = sd(value),
            n = n(),
            .by = c(Attachment, Measure)) %>% 
  mutate(Measure = snakecase::to_title_case(Measure))

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  Attachment Measure                Mean    SD     n
  <fct>      <chr>                 <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 Secure     Anxiety Physiological  50.0 10.7    110
2 Secure     Anxiety Questionnaire  50.1 10.9    110
3 Ambivalent Anxiety Physiological  66.1  9.33   105
4 Ambivalent Anxiety Questionnaire  66.3  9.90   105
5 Avoidant   Anxiety Physiological  67.2  9.84    85
6 Avoidant   Anxiety Questionnaire  47.8 10.6     85

This output is not pretty, but it was not intended to be. It is in a format that is easy to adapt for other things. For example, I can use the gt (“Great Tables”) package to get exactly what I want to display:

d_descriptives %>% 
  gt(groupname_col = "Measure", 
     rowname_col = "Attachment") %>%
  tab_stub_indent(everything(), indent = 5)
Mean SD n
Anxiety Physiological
Secure 50 10.7 110
Ambivalent 66 9.3 105
Avoidant 67 9.8 85
Anxiety Questionnaire
Secure 50 10.9 110
Ambivalent 66 9.9 105
Avoidant 48 10.6 85

Or I can use ggplot2 to display means and standard deviations graphically:

d_descriptives %>%
  mutate(mean_label = scales::number(Mean, .1)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(Attachment, Mean)) +
  facet_grid(cols = vars(Measure)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = Mean - SD,
                      ymax = Mean + SD)) +
    aes(label = mean_label), 
    hjust = -.3)


d |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = Attachment,
             y = Anxiety_Questionnaire)) +
  geom_violin() +

Just looking at the plot, we can see that the Ambivalent group has a higher mean anxiety than the other two groups. However, let’s conduct a formal test of the difference of the group means.

Create One-Way ANOVA

The aov (Analysis of Variance) function is what you want to use. The anova function is better used for comparing models. The dependent variable goes on the left, and any predictor variables are on the right hand side of the ~.

fit <- aov(Anxiety_Questionnaire ~ Attachment, data = d)

Diagnostic Plots


None of the diagnostic checks raise any alarms. Specifically, the residuals are reasonably normal and have consistent variance acrross groups (i.e., the homogeneeity of variance assumption is reasonable).


The base R function summary gives us most of what we might want to know.

             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)    
Attachment    2  20359   10179      93 <2e-16 ***
Residuals   297  32517     109                   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

We can see that overall model is significant, meaning that at least two groups have reliably different means. At this point we do not know which means differ, but from the plot we have a good guess that the Ambivalent group scores higher on the Anxiety Questionnaire than the other two groups.

A similar, but tidier display can be found with the parameters function:

Parameter  | Sum_Squares |  df | Mean_Square |     F |      p
Attachment |    20358.60 |   2 |    10179.30 | 92.98 | < .001
Residuals  |    32516.83 | 297 |      109.48 |       |       

Anova Table (Type 1 tests)

Other Summary Functions

The overall “fit” or “performance” of the model:

# Indices of model performance

AIC      |     AICc |      BIC |    R2 | R2 (adj.) |   RMSE |  Sigma
2265.082 | 2265.218 | 2279.897 | 0.385 |     0.381 | 10.411 | 10.463

Automated Interpretation

The ANOVA (formula: Anxiety_Questionnaire ~ Attachment) suggests that:

  - The main effect of Attachment is statistically significant and large (F(2,
297) = 92.98, p < .001; Eta2 = 0.39, 95% CI [0.32, 1.00])

Effect sizes were labelled following Field's (2013) recommendations.

Post-hoc Tests

We would like to compare all means but control for family-wise error.

fit_contrast <- estimate_contrasts(fit, 
                   contrast = "Attachment", 
                   backend = "emmeans")
Marginal Contrasts Analysis

Level1   | Level2     | Difference |           95% CI |   SE | t(297) |      p
Avoidant | Ambivalent |     -18.44 | [-21.45, -15.44] | 1.53 | -12.08 | < .001
Secure   | Ambivalent |     -16.18 | [-18.99, -13.37] | 1.43 | -11.33 | < .001
Secure   | Avoidant   |       2.27 | [ -0.71,   5.24] | 1.51 |   1.50 |  0.135

Variable predicted: Anxiety_Questionnaire
Predictors contrasted: Attachment
p-values are uncorrected.
The marginal contrasts analysis suggests the following. The difference between
Avoidant and Ambivalent is negative and statistically significant (difference =
-18.44, 95% CI [-21.45, -15.44], t(297) = -12.08, p < .001). The difference
between Secure and Ambivalent is negative and statistically significant
(difference = -16.18, 95% CI [-18.99, -13.37], t(297) = -11.33, p < .001). The
difference between Secure and Avoidant is positive and statistically
non-significant (difference = 2.27, 95% CI [ -0.71, 5.24], t(297) = 1.50, p =