
Future Version Wishlist

  • Tables in .pdf jou mode should fit automatically.
  • An appendix that consists solely of a table or figure should be called by the appendix title (not, for example, Figure A1).
  • Implement missing Typst features
    • Journal format
    • Line numbering
    • Full language option support

Version 4.3.14 (2025-03-16)

  • #120 When a table or figure reference is not found, a more informative error is displayed. Thanks Steffen Aasen!

Version 4.3.13 (2025-03-15)

  • #118 Email in correspondence note is displayed as a link. HTML format has additional blank lines before and after Abstract. Thanks Clemens Brunner!
  • #119 Allow use of beforenotespace code chunk option in .pdf jou mode. Thanks Ovande Furtado!

Version 4.3.12 (2025-03-07)

Version 4.3.11 (2025-03-06)

  • #113 Author note will show author correspondence information if author-note is absent. Thanks Clemens Brunner!
  • #115 The title-block-role-introduction field now works in apaquarto-pdf. Thanks Clemens Brunner!
  • #117 The papersize field now works in apaquarto-typst. Thanks Clemens Brunner!

Version 4.3.10 (2025-01-26)

  • #109 Make ORCID have https link instead of http. Thanks Kilian Sander!!
  • #107 added table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables to apaquarto-typst. Thanks bsgallih12!
  • Implemented Impact Statement. Thanks franfrutos!

Version 4.3.9 (2024-12-14)

  • Removed an unnecessary keyword print command used to debug 4.3.8.
  • Made html blockquote text the same color as body text.

Version 4.3.8 (2024-12-14)

  • #102 Let keywords field be a string instead of an array

Version 4.3.7 (2024-12-14)

  • #101 Removed indentation from .docx abstract’s first paragraph

Version 4.3.6 (2024-11-22)

  • #98 The mainfont option now works for apaquarto-html.

Version 4.3.5 (2024-11-22)

  • #97 Added a draft-date option.

Version 4.3.4 (2024-09-01)

  • #85 Fixed longtable counter problem.

Version 4.3.3 (2024-07-04)

  • Fixed lang option for abstract. Documented language options that are likely to be used in apaquarto.

Version 4.3.2 (2024-06-19)

  • #76 Fixed bug that failed to account for user-specified terms in crossref

Version 4.3.1 (2024-05-28)

  • #72 Fix bug while loading flextable in pdf.
  • #73 Fix bug for figure labels with underscores in them.

Version 4.3.0 (2024-05-22)

  • #69 Allow users to set custom margins using Quarto’s geometry options.

Version 4.2.0 (2024-05-16)

  • #67 Setting no-ampersand-parenthetical: true will replace the ampersand in both parenthetical and narrative (in text) citations.
  • Make link-citations: true the default. Can be set to link-citations: false in YAML.

Version 4.1.0 (2024-05-13)

  • #68 Enable selective suppression of most elements of the title page and abstract page.

Version 4.0.3 (2024-05-11)

  • For apaquarto-typst to run correctly, Quarto 1.5 or greater is required #54. An error message now prompts the user to update Typst.
  • Fixed link-citations for pdf #64.
  • Fixed rendering of stylized \(\LaTeX\) symbol in docx.
  • Updated to most recent version of apa.cls
  • Enable codelisting #62

Version 4.0.2 (2024-05-01)

  • For apaquarto-typst to run correctly, Typst version 0.11.0 or greater is required #54. An error message now prompts the user to update Typst.

Version 4.0.1 (2024-05-01)

  • Improvemements for typst
    • Render LaTeX logo correctly
    • Implemented NoIndent feature for typst
    • Proper indenting for multi-paragraph abstracts
    • Fixed numbering of tables in appendices
    • Block quote indenting corrected
    • Color links blue
  • Fixed bug that reversed floatsintext to the opposite of expectations.
  • On the remote chance that anyone needs more than 26 appendices, subsequent appendices are AA, AB, AC, …, BA, BB, BC, … AAA, AAB, …

Version 4.0.0 (2024-05-01)

  • Building on mvuorre’s typst template, typst-apaquarto is working. More to come.

Version 3.5.4 (2024-04-30)

  • Fixed many bugs.
  • mvuorre contributed a typst template for apaquarto! Not all features are working yet, but typst opens up many possibilities.

Version 3.5.3 (2024-04-23)

  • Abstract in .docx and .html no longer indented

Version 3.5.2 (2024-04-20)

  • Added xpatch package to .pdf to fix appendix bug
  • Fixed bug that inserted meta-analysis explanation when nocite was empty
  • Fixed placement of references when refs div is omitted.

Version 3.5.1 (2024-04-19)

  • Fixed bug that failed to move all float to the end of the document in .docx and .html

Version 3.5.0 (2024-04-12)

  • Added table of contents for pdf documents #45

Version 3.4.9 (2024-04-09)

  • At mvuorre’s suggestion #41:
    • I moved the example/documentation text out of the template and into a file called example.qmd. The new template contains what used to be called minimal.qmd.
    • I removed the apaquarto.Rproj file, references.bib, and img folder from being included by the quarto use template command.
  • Fixed mainfont problem not loading fontspec package in time for .pdf #40
  • Fixed bug associated with #41
  • Fixed bug that occurs when no author note is included.
  • Fixed figure numbering bug for markdown figures.

Version 3.4.8 (2024-03-30)

  • Allow the correspondence note to be overridden by setting the correspondence-note subfield of the author-note field.
  • The meta-analysis field is now set to true by default (and thus does not need to appear in the metadata). If marking studies in the nocite field with asterisks is not desired, set the meta-analysis field to false.

Version 3.4.7 (2024-03-29)

  • Studies included in a meta-analysis are not usually cited in the text but are included in the References section and flagged with an asterisk. When the meta-analysis field is set to true, citations listed in nocite are flagged with an asterisk in References section and a note to that effect is inserted below the References header.

Version 3.4.6 (2024-03-22)

  • Figures and Tables in appendices have prefixes of A, B, C, etc.
  • Appendices appear after figures and tables when figures and tables appear at the end of the document.

Version 3.4.5 (2024-03-16)

  • Indent abstract with multiple paragraphs properly
  • Title on first page of text is no longer numbered when number-sections is true
  • Remove indent from level 3 headers in .html output

Version 3.4.4 (2024-03-10)

  • supress-title-page option to suppress title page
  • Fix author names when specified by given, family, or literal fields
  • Fix author subscripts in pdf when affiliations are identical

Version 3.4.3 (2024-03-08)

  • Allow for fonts other than Times in pdf documents.
  • Removed the notimes and notxfonts options for pdf documents. If mainfont is not selected, then the newtx package will be used.
  • Fixed balance of two columns in journal mode for pdf.

Version 3.4.2 (2024-03-06)

  • Fixed .pdf bug when only one author or one affiliation

Version 3.4.1 (2024-03-05)

  • Added “possessive” citations such that @schneider2024 ['s] will render as “Schneider’s (2024)”

Version 3.4.0 (2024-03-04)

  • Implemented language options for internationalization and customization.
  • Figures in jou mode fit to column width automatically. Can be overridden with fig-width or out-width.

Version 3.3.0 (2024-02-29)

  • Added better documentation of apaquarto template options
  • If mask option is true, remove author names, author affiliations, and author notes from title page.
  • Fixed blank spaces above title and author note in .docx
  • Numbered lines for .docx
  • Support for multiline abstracts
  • Many minor fixes

Version 3.2.3 (2024-02-19)

  • Add support for callout boxes in .pdf
  • Fixed .pdf line number problem that crept back in somehow yet again #34
  • Fixed problem with curly single quote in .docx running header

Version 3.2.2 (2024-02-15)

  • Fixed bug so that tables and figures appear in correct order when floatsintext is true.

Version 3.2.1 (2024-02-14)

  • Fixed error when no citations are present #33
  • Fixed .pdf line number problem that crept back in somehow #34

Version 3.2.0 (2024-02-13)

  • Added support for masked references. #27

Version 3.1.0 (2024-02-09)

  • The floatsintext option now works in docx and html. Setting it to true, intermingles text, figures, and tables. Setting it to false moves all figures and tables to the end of the document.

Version 3.0.0 (2024-01-20)

The main goal for version 3 was to do everything with lua filters instead of R. It was quite a journey, but apaquarto is now completely independent of R, which should help folks working with other languages.

Breaking changes

  • The the apafg- and apatb- prefixes are no longer used for figures and tables. Use the standard Quarto prefixes (fig- and tbl-), as well as the standard quarto referencing syntax (e.g,. @fig-myplot will reference the fig-myplot chunk.).
  • The include statement below the metadata is no longer used and must be deleted. An informative error will provide instruction if the include statement remains.



  • The title page and abstract page are now processed using lua filters instead of R.
  • The officer package is no longer required to create a new reference document every time the document is rendered #5 #29. Now, a lua filter looks for the shorttitle field in your yaml. If that is not found, the title and subtitle fields are used instead. The running header is assigned to the description field in the quarto metadata. This value will show up in the Comments field in the rendered .docx file, which is then inserted into the field box in the header.
  • The .docx running header is set with a lua filter and a docx field that draws from the .docx metadata.


  • Can number lines #25
  • Fixed tightlist error #31
  • The jou (journal) mode in .pdf is better supported. There are a few hacky solutions that need a bit of work. #2 #27

Version 2.0.0 (2023-11-10)

  • Many small fixes #15
  • Support for markdown tables #9 #21
  • Support for .html and .pdf became more solid. #22
  • CReditT taxonomy added for author roles. #3

Version 1.0.0 (2023-03-05)

Initial release. Basic functions worked, but relied on many hacks that I always intended to fix. Mostly just for .docx, but .html and .pdf supported to some degree.

  • Most of the title page information was processed in R because I did not understand lua. UPDATE: As of version 3.0.0, all of the R code that used to be inserted, is not longer used. The lua filters take care of everything in the .html and .docx formats.
  • Because I did not yet understand lua and Quarto, I processed figures and tables differently in a non-standard way. I wrestled with Quarto, but I could not stop it from formatting the captions the way it wanted to. Finally I gave up and processed them with non-standard syntax and knitr hooks. UPDATE: This was always intended to be a temporary solution. As of version 3.0.0, all non-standard syntax is gone.
  • The ability to put simple markdown notes below figures and tables was important to me. The tricky part was to get them to travel with the figures and tables when they were part of floats or when they moved to the end of the document. Many headaches later, it works using the apa-note chunk option or apa-note as a custom attribute of a fenced div.
  • APA level 4 and 5 headings should remain as true headings that appear in the navigation tab in MS Word. Yet they appear as if they are in the same paragraph with subsequent text. This feature was implemented with apaquarto.lua filter that inserts openxml tags in the headers:

This creates a Style Separator character that you can see in MS Word by clicking the Show/Hide ¶ button. BTW, the CTRL+ALT+Enter keyboard shortcut in Word will insert a style separator. See