Template Options

Options are set in the metadata section at the top of the .qmd file. Quarto metadata uses YAML, a format that allows us to store data in a format that is easy to write and easy to read. In its simplest form, it has a key and a value:

key: value

If the value is simple, it does not need any quotes. If it has any characters that have special meaning in yaml (e.g., :), you will need to put the value in quotes.

title: "This title needs quotes: Because there is a colon in it."

Any optional key you do not use can be deleted or commented out. If you would prefer to keep the key visible but empty, you can make the value NULL with the tilde symbol ~ like so:

key: ~

Here is a minimal example of what the YAML metadata might look like:

title: "My Paper's Title: A Full Analysis of Everything"
shorttitle: "My Paper's Title"
  - name: W. Joel Schneider
    corresponding: true
    orcid: 0000-0002-8393-5316
    email: schneider@temple.edu
      - name: Temple University
        department: College of Education and Human Development
        address: 358 Ritter Hall
        city: Philadelphia
        region: PA
        postal-code: 19122-6091
abstract: "This is my abstract."
keywords: [keyword1, keyword2]
    conflict of interest: The author has no conflict of interest to declare.
bibliography: mybibfile.bib     
  apaquarto-docx: default
  apaquarto-html: default
  apaquarto-pdf: default
  apaquarto-typst: default

General Options

Field Explanation

Sets the title.

Titles with no special characters can be raw text.

title: My title

If your title has a colon in it, it will need to be quoted:

title: "My Title: My Subtitle"

You can list your title and subtitle separately, and they will be combined with a colon in the document:

title: My Title
subtitle: My Subtitle
shorttitle A short version of the title that appears in the running header for .pdf and .docx formats. If omitted or null (~), the running header will take its value from the title field (and will omit the subtitle).

The abstract paragraph.

If the abstract is a single paragraph, put it on a single line like most of the other fields:

abstract: This is a single-paragraph abstract.

If the abstract has multiple paragraphs, separate them like so:

abstract: |
  | This is the first paragraph.
  | This is the second paragraph.
  | This the third paragraph.

A list of topics your paper relates to. Can be single words or short phrases. There are two ways to format key words.

Comma-separated list with square brackets:

keywords: [First keyword, Second keyword, Third keyword]

Multiline list with indented hyphens :

  - First keyword
  - Second keyword
  - Third keyword

Specifies where floats (i.e., figures and tables) appear.

  • If true, figures and tables will be intermingled in text.
  • If false, figures and tables will appear at the end of the document.
  • If omitted, defaults to false.

The floatsintext field does not apply when a .pdf output is in journal mode.


Numbered lines (.pdf and .docx only)

Default: false


File(s) with references.

If you have a single file, you can list it like so:

bibliography: mybibliography.bib

If you have multiple files, you can make an array:

bibliography: [mybibliography.bib, myotherbibliography.bib]

For anonymous peer review, removes identifying information: author names, author affiliations, author notes, correspondence information, and references listed in the masked-citations field.

If true, identifying information is removed.

If false or omitted, all information is left as is.


A list of citation keys that should be masked if the mask field is true. For example:

mask: true
  - mypublication2020
  - mypublication2024

The citation keys should be as they appear in the bibliography file(s).

suppress-title-page Suppress the title page if true
meta-analysis By default, all studies listed in the nocite field will be marked with asterisks in the References section. If this behavior is unwanted, set meta-analysis to false.
no-ampersand-parenthetical APA style uses ampersands in parenthetical citations (e.g., Schneider & McGrew, 2018) but not in narrative (i.e., in-text) citations: Schneider and McGrew (2018). You can replace ampersands with “and” in parenthetical citations (e.g., Schneider and McGrew, 2018) by setting the no-ampersand-parenthetical option to true. A different replacement word other than “and” can be set in the citation-last-author-separator field in the language options.
impact-statement A paragraph below the Abstract that describes the theoretical/practical importance of the work. The heading of the impact statement is “Impact Statement” by default but can be overridden using the title-impact-statement field in the language field.


The apaquarto uses the standard Quarto schema for authors. It has a lot of options, some of which are not needed for the apaquarto extension (e.g., fax).

The author field contains author names, author affiliations, and author roles. Where possible, specify each author’s orcid for easy, unambiguous identification.

The corresponding author is specified by setting the author’s corresponding field to true (i.e., corresponding: true). This author needs to list an email and list a mailing address in the affiliation data. Only one author can be the corresponding author. Other authors do not need to list their addresses.

  - name: W. Joel Schneider
    corresponding: true
    orcid: 0000-0002-8393-5316
    email: schneider@temple.edu
      - name: Temple University
        department: College of Education and Human Development
        address: 1301 Cecil B. Moore Ave.
        city: Philadelphia
        region: PA
        postal-code: 19122-6091
      - writing
      - conceptualization
  - name: Fulano Zutano Mengano
    affiliations: Universidad de Dondequiera
    orcid: 0000-0000-0000-0001
      - formal anlaysis
      - visualization
      - editin
  - name: Thomas Richard Harris
      - name: Generic State University
        department: Department of Scholarly Studies
    orcid: 0000-0000-0000-0002
      - editing
      - funding acquistion
  - name: Wut C. Whosis
    affiliations: Whatchama College
    orcid: 0000-0000-0000-0003
      - software
      - methodology
      - editing


The apaquarto extenstion uses the standard Quarto schema for affiliations.

Field Explanation

A unique identifier for the affiliation. The id can be useful for specifying an affiliation shared by multiple authors:

  - name: William Joel Schneider
      - name: Temple University
        department: College of Education and Human Development
        address: 1301 Cecil B. Moore Ave.
        city: Philadelphia
        region: PA
        postal-code: 19122-6091
        id: temple
  - name: Renée M. Tobin
      - ref: temple

The name of the organization.

  - name: Fred Jones
      - name: Generic State Univeristy

If the author is unaffiliated, list the author’s city and region/state instead:

  - name: Fred Jones
      - city: San Francisco
        region: CA
department A specific division within the organization.

A subdivision within the department

  - name: Fred Jones
      - name: Generic State Univeristy
        department: Department of Psychology
        group: Counseling Psychology
address The street address
city City

The region, state, or province.

You may specify state instead, if you prefer.

country Country
postal-code Postal code (zip code in the U.S.)

Multiple Affiliations

If an author has more than one affiliation:

  - name: William Joel Schneider
      - name: Temple University
        department: College of Education and Human Development
        address: 1301 Cecil B. Moore Ave.
        city: Philadelphia
        region: PA
        postal-code: 19122-6091
      - name: My Second Affiliation

Shared Affiliations

If two authors have the same affiliation, you can type the same affiliation twice. If you do this, make sure the affiliations are EXACTLY the same in every detail. Otherwise they will be listed as different. To make sure they are listed as the same affiliation, it is safer to use a reference id to make sure that there are no accidental differences that creep in to the editing process. In this example, the affiliation information was entered once, and the id was specified. For the second author with the same affiliation, the ref field is used to reference the previously specified id.

  - name: William Joel Schneider
      - name: Temple University
        department: College of Education and Human Development
        address: 1301 Cecil B. Moore Ave.
        city: Philadelphia
        region: PA
        postal-code: 19122-6091
        id: temple
  - name: Renée M. Tobin
      - ref: temple

Listing Authors and Affiliations Separately

If there are a lot of authors with shared affiliations, it might be easier to list the affiliations separately and specify each affiliation’s id, which can be looked up with the ref field:

  - name: Fred Jones
      - ref: temple
      - ref: tamu
  - name: Wanda James
      - ref: temple
      - ref: ucb
  - id: temple
    name: Temple University
  - id: tamu
    name: "Texas A&M University"
  - id: ucb
    name: University of California, Berkeley

Author Roles

APA Style encourages but does not require papers with multiple authors to describe author roles using the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT). There are 14 contributor roles:

Role Description
conceptualization Ideas; formulation or evolution of overarching research goals and aims.
data curation Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), scrub data and maintain research data (including software code, where it is necessary for interpreting the data itself) for initial use and later re-use.
formal analysis Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyse or synthesize study data.
funding acquisition Acquisition of the financial support for the project leading to this publication.
investigation Conducting a research and investigation process, specifically performing the experiments, or data/evidence collection.
methodology Development or design of methodology; creation of models.
project administration Management and coordination responsibility for the research activity planning and execution.
resources Provision of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computing resources, or other analysis tools.
software Programming, software development; designing computer programs; implementation of the computer code and supporting algorithms; testing of existing code components.
supervision Oversight and leadership responsibility for the research activity planning and execution, including mentorship external to the core team.
validation Verification, whether as a part of the activity or separate, of the overall replication/reproducibility of results/experiments and other research outputs.
visualization Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically visualization/data presentation.
writing Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically writing the initial draft (including substantive translation).
editing reparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work by those from the original research group, specifically critical review, commentary or revision – including pre- or post-publication stages.

It is possible to list the roles for each author:

  - name: Fred Jones
      - conceptualization
      - funding acquisition
      - writing
  - name: Wanda James
      - conceptualization
      - formal analysis
      - visualization
      - editing

When 2 or more authors have the same role, one may specify the degree of contribution (lead, equal, supporting):

  - name: Fred Jones
      - conceptualization: lead
      - visualization: supporting
      - investigation: equal
      - funding acquisition
      - writing
  - name: Wanda James
      - conceptualization: supporting
      - visualization: lead
      - investigation: equal
      - formal analysis
      - editing

Author Notes

The first paragraph of the Author Note will be populated with all the ORCID IDs that have been specified.

The second paragraph consists of status changes:

Field Explanation

Describe author affiliation changes.


    affiliation-change: Fred Jones is now at Generic State University

Disclose names of authors who are now deceased.


    deceased: Fred Jones is deceased.

The third paragraph consists of study details and author disclosures:

Field Explanation

Describe where the study was registered.


    study-registration: "This study was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (Identifier NTC998877)."

Data/materials that have been shared


    data-sharing: "Data from this study can be accessed at https://academicdata.org/jones2024."

Acknowledge and cite data/materials that were used previously


    related-report: "This article is based on the dissertation completed by Graham (2018)"

Disclose author conflicts of interest


    conflict-of-interest: "Fred Jones has been a paid consultant for Corporation X, which funded this study."

Acknowledge funding sources


    financial-support: "This study was supported by Grant 123 from Academic Funders United."

Authors can express gratitude.


    gratitude: "The authors are grateful to Sidney Fiero for thoughtful comments on an early draft of this paper."

Authors can disclose any agreements they entered into regarding the paper.


    authorship-agreements: "Because the authors are equal contributors, order of authorship was determined by a fair coin toss."

The fourth paragraph of the Author Note consists of the correspondence information. It will created automatically from the contact information from the author marked as the corresponding author. If you wish to override this paragraph with one entirely of your own, you can set it via the correspondence-note subfield in the author-note field.

  correspondence-note: This will override the correspondence note that would otherwise be generated.

Options for .docx and typst

Field Explanation

Number of blank lines above the title.

If omitted, defaults to 2 double-spaced lines.

APA style requests that you put your title 3 to 4 lines (i.e., 1.5 to 2 double-spaced lines) down from the top of the title page.


Number of double-spaced lines between author affiliations and author note.

APA style wants the note to start around the middle of the page. You can play with the number. It defaults to 2 if omitted.

Options for .pdf

All of the .pdf-specfic options for apaquarto come directly from the apa7 \(\LaTeX\) package. Consult the apa7 package documentation for greater detail.

Field Explanation

Alter the overall style of the document. Options incluce:

  • man Manuscript: Similar to .docx format
  • jou Journal: A polished two-column format similar to many APA journals.
  • doc Document: Similar to default \(\LaTeX\) articles.
  • stu Student: Formatted for student papers




Fields that are used only for student papers (stu mode).


course: Introduction to Statistics (EDUC 5101)
professor: W. Joel Schneider
duedate: 12/22/2024





Fields that are used only for Journal (jou) mode.


journal: Psychological Review
volume: 2024, Vol. 131, No. 2, 10--60
copyrightnotice: 2024
copyrightext: All rights reserved

Size of font.

Options include 10pt, 11pt, and 12pt

a4paper If true, uses a4 paper size instead of 8.5 by 11 in. letter size.
donotrepeattitle If true, suppresses title in the first page of text.
draftfirst If true, puts draft watermark on first page.
draftall If true, puts draft watermark on all pages.
nocorrespondence If true, hides correspondence text

Options for .html

With one exeception, everything that works for .docx should work for .html. For .html, there is no benefit to having line numbers in the text because the text wrapping differs depending on the device and size of the window the document is being viewed.

Suppress Elements

Any of the elements below can be selectively suppressed from the document.

Field Explanation
suppress-title-page: true Suppress the entire title page
suppress-title: true Suppress the title on the title page
suppress-short-title: true Suppress the short title in the running header
suppress-author: true Suppresses the author names below the title. Does not suppress author names in the author note.
suppress-affiliation: true Suppress affiliations below the author names. Does not suppress the affiliation in the correspondence note.
suppress-author-note: true Suppress the entire author note
suppress-orcid: true Suppress the author ORCID numbers
suppress-status-change-paragraph: true Suppress the paragraph about status changes (affiliation changes and deceased authors)
suppress-disclosures-paragraph: true Suppress the paragraph about disclosures (study registration, data sharing, related reports, conflicts of interest, financial support, statements of gratitude, and authorship agreements)
suppress-credit-statement: true Suppress the credit statement
suppress-corresponding-paragraph: true Suppress the entire correspondence paragraph
suppress-corresponding-group: true Suppress the group in the correspondence address
suppress-corresponding-department: true Suppress the department in the correspondence address
suppress-corresponding-address: true Suppress the street address in the correspondence address
suppress-corresponding-city: true Suppress the city in the correspondence address
suppress-corresponding-region: true Suppress the region/state in the correspondence address
suppress-corresponding-postal-code: true Suppress the postal code in the correspondence address
suppress-corresponding-email: true Suppress the email address in the correspondence address
suppress-abstract: true Suppress the abstract. In the .pdf document, this will also suppress the keywords.
suppress-impact-statement: true Suppress the impact statement
suppress-keywords: true Suppress the keywords below the abstract
suppress-title-introduction: true Suppress the title in the introduction

Language Options

You can alter the names of Abstract, Figures, Tables, and References by setting the lang field to one of these languages:

Code Language
en English
zh Chinese
es Spanish
fr French
ja Japanese
de German
pt Portuguese
ru Russian
cs Czech
fi Finnish
nl Dutch
it Italian
pl Polish
ko Korean

However, there are a few options that are specific to apaquarto and thus were not anticipated by Quarto.

Field Explanation Default
citation-last-author-separator APA-style in-text citations with multiple authors are separated by commas with the appropriate translation of the word and before the last author. and
citation-masked-author The phrase to replace author names in masked citations. Masked Citation
citation-masked-date The abbreviated translation for “no date” in masked citations n.d.
title-block-author-note The heading of the author note Author Note
title-block-correspondence-note The phrase introducing the correspondence note. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
title-block-role-introduction The phrase introducing the author roles. Author roles were classified using the Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT; https://credit.niso.org/) as follows:
title-impact-statement The heading for the impact statement Impact Statement
references-meta-analysis The sentence explaining that citations marked with an asterisk were studies in the meta-analysis. References marked with an asterisk indicate studies included in the meta-analysis.

All these options must be listed under the language field . For example, if we set the lang field to en (Spanish), the remaining options can also be set:

lang: es
  citation-last-author-separator: "y"
  citation-masked-author: "Cita Enmascarada"
  citation-masked-title: "Título Enmascarado"
  citation-masked-date: "n.f."
  title-block-author-note: "Nota de Autores"
  title-block-correspondence-note: "La correspondencia relativa a este artículo debe dirigirse a"
  title-block-role-introduction: "Los roles de autor se clasificaron utilizando la taxonomía de roles de colaborador (CRediT; https://credit.niso.org/) de la siguiente manera:"
  references-meta-analysis: "Las referencias marcadas con un asterisco indican estudios incluidos en el metanálisis."

In addition, many terms that are translated automatically can be overridden. The full list is here. For example, if I wanted “Figure” in figure captions to be “Plot” instead, I would specify the change like so:

  crossref-fig-title: "Plot"

Here are the language terms most likely to be used in apaquarto:

Field: English Default Explanation
section-title-abstract: Abstract Abtract title
section-title-references: References References title
title-block-keywords: Keywords Keywords
crossref-fig-title: Figure Figure title prefix
crossref-tbl-title: Table Table title prefix
crossref-apx-prefix: Appendix Appendix title prefix
crossref-eq-prefix: Equation Equation title prefix