
APA-Style Online

APA-Style Books

APA-Style Helper Functions in R

Many packages have helper functions for reporting statistics in and creating tables and figures in APA Style. Here are a few:

Alternatives to apaquarto

To my knowledge, there is no working quarto extension other than apaquarto that takes a comprehensive approach to APA style with output options in .docx, .html, and .pdf. However, there are other ways to automate the production of APA-style documents.

APA style with knitr and \(\LaTeX\)

The ability to automate APA style via \(\LaTeX\) has been around for some time—first via apa (APA Style, 5th Edition), then via apa6 (APA Style, 6th Edition), and now via apa7 (APA Style, 7th Edition). The apaquarto package uses apa7 to create .pdf documents. To intermingle R code and \(\LaTeX\) code in the same document, R-users could write in an .Rnw file using sweave or knitr. I still do so when I need the full flexibility of \(\LaTeX\).

APA style with Rmarkdown and papaja

Unfortunately, most psychology journals require submissions in MS Word (and most collaborators do as well). Learning \(\LaTeX\) is fun for some people (e.g., me), but most will not bother. With the arrival of Rmarkdown, it became possible to automate document production with a system that takes just a few minutes to learn.

The papaja package by Frederick Aust uses Rmarkdown syntax and does a fantastic job of creating APA-style (6th Edition) documents in .pdf and gets close to perfect .docx output. With a bit of tweaking, papaja can do most of APA Style (7th Edition) for .pdf documents.

APA style with Quarto and Typst

Matti Vuore is working on an APA-like quarto extension that uses Typst instead of \(\LaTeX\). As of 2024-02-27, there are aspects of APA style missing, but it looks promising. Because Typst offers many advantages over \(\LaTeX\) (e.g., easy reconfiguration and much faster rendering), I would like to adapt apaquarto to use Typst as well. The development of Typst is fast and ongoing, so it will be interesting to see what the future holds.