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bind method


bind(x, ...)



list of objects to bind


<dynamic-dots> properties passed to style


a bound object of same class as x (or list of objects if x contains objects of different types)


bind(c(ob_point(1,2), ob_point(3,4)))
#> <ggdiagram::ob_point>
#> @ x: num [1:2] 1 3
#> @ y: num [1:2] 2 4
#> Other props: alpha, color, fill, shape, size, stroke, auto_label,
#>              bounding_box, centroid, length, r, theta, style,
#>              tibble, xy, geom, label, place, aesthetics
bind(c(ob_circle(ob_point(0,0), radius = 1),
       ob_circle(ob_point(1,1), radius = 2)))
#> <ggdiagram::ob_circle>
#> @ center: <ggdiagram::ob_point>
#>  @ x: num [1:2] 0 1
#>  @ y: num [1:2] 0 1
#> @ radius: num [1:2] 1 2
#> Other props: label, alpha, color, fill, linewidth, linetype,
#>              n, area, bounding_box, circumference, diameter,
#>              length, polygon, style, tibble, geom, arc, angle_at,
#>              normal_at, tangent_at, place, point_at, aesthetics