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Object Lists

Any ggdiagram object made with ob_* functions can be made into a list, either with the list function or the c function.

p1 <- ob_point(1, 2)
p2 <- ob_point(3, 4)
#> [[1]]
#> S3<ggdiagram::ob_point/ggdiagram::xy/ggdiagram::shape/ggdiagram::has_style/S7_object>
#> @ x: num 1
#> @ y: num 2
#> Other props: alpha, color, fill, shape, size, stroke, auto_label,
#>              bounding_box, centroid, length, r, theta, style,
#>              tibble, xy, geom, label, place, aesthetics
#> [[2]]
#> S3<ggdiagram::ob_point/ggdiagram::xy/ggdiagram::shape/ggdiagram::has_style/S7_object>
#> @ x: num 3
#> @ y: num 4
#> Other props: alpha, color, fill, shape, size, stroke, auto_label,
#>              bounding_box, centroid, length, r, theta, style,
#>              tibble, xy, geom, label, place, aesthetics

Binding lists of objects into a single object

The bind function will take a list of the ggdiagram objects and a create single object. If all objects in the list are of a single type (e.g., ob_point), bind will return an object of that type. If the objects are of multiple types, bind will bind each type of object separately and return a ob_shape_list.

p <- bind(c(p1,p2))
#> S3<ggdiagram::ob_point/ggdiagram::xy/ggdiagram::shape/ggdiagram::has_style/S7_object>
#> @ x: num [1:2] 1 3
#> @ y: num [1:2] 2 4
#> Other props: alpha, color, fill, shape, size, stroke, auto_label,
#>              bounding_box, centroid, length, r, theta, style,
#>              tibble, xy, geom, label, place, aesthetics

Binding objects can make subsequent tasks easier and less repetitive. For example, from the new object p, we can create two circles with one line of code rather than the two lines that would otherwise be needed to create separate circles from p1 and p2.

ggdiagram() +
  ob_circle(center = p)

With only two points, the time savings is small. When many objects are bound, the time savings can be substantial.

If the list of objects are of different types, the bind function will bind all objects of the same type and the resulting list will be an ob_shape_list. In Figure 1 we bind 2 points and 2 circles into a ob_shape_list that has 1 ob_point and 1 ob_circle.

p1 <- ob_point(0,0)
p2 <- ob_point(2,0)
c1 <- ob_circle(p1, radius = 2)
c2 <- ob_circle(p2, radius = 1.5)

# bind objectins into an ob_shape_list
osl <- bind(c(p1, p2, c1, c2))
#> <ob_shape_list>
#> S3<ggdiagram::ob_point/ggdiagram::xy/ggdiagram::shape/ggdiagram::has_style/S7_object>
#> @ x: num [1:2] 0 2
#> @ y: num [1:2] 0 0
#> Other props: alpha, color, fill, shape, size, stroke, auto_label,
#>              bounding_box, centroid, length, r, theta, style,
#>              tibble, xy, geom, label, place, aesthetics
#> S3<ggdiagram::ob_circle/ggdiagram::centerpoint/ggdiagram::xy/ggdiagram::shape/ggdiagram::has_style/S7_object>
#> @ center:S3<ggdiagram::ob_point/ggdiagram::xy/ggdiagram::shape/ggdiagram::has_style/S7_object>
#> @ x: num [1:2] 0 2
#> @ y: num [1:2] 0 0
#> Other props: alpha, color, fill, shape, size, stroke, auto_label,
#>              bounding_box, centroid, length, r, theta, style,
#>              tibble, xy, geom, label, place, aesthetics
#> @ radius: num [1:2] 2 1.5
#> Other props: label, alpha, color, fill, linewidth, linetype,
#>              n, area, bounding_box, circumference, diameter,
#>              length, polygon, style, tibble, geom, arc, angle_at,
#>              normal_at, tangent_at, place, point_at, aesthetics

ggdiagram() +
Figure 1: An ob_shape_list

There is not much benefit to making an ob_shape_list as shown here. It would simpler to just include the objects one at a time. However, it can be useful in the context of a large diagram with many elements, each of which would require a separate layer in ggplot2. Binding all the elements first can reduce the number of ggplot layers to the number of object types in the ob_shape_list.

An ob_shape_list’s underlying data is a named list. The names are the functions that were used to create the objects. For example,

#> S3<ggdiagram::ob_point/ggdiagram::xy/ggdiagram::shape/ggdiagram::has_style/S7_object>
#> @ x: num [1:2] 0 2
#> @ y: num [1:2] 0 0
#> Other props: alpha, color, fill, shape, size, stroke, auto_label,
#>              bounding_box, centroid, length, r, theta, style,
#>              tibble, xy, geom, label, place, aesthetics
#> S3<ggdiagram::ob_circle/ggdiagram::centerpoint/ggdiagram::xy/ggdiagram::shape/ggdiagram::has_style/S7_object>
#> @ center:S3<ggdiagram::ob_point/ggdiagram::xy/ggdiagram::shape/ggdiagram::has_style/S7_object>
#> @ x: num [1:2] 0 2
#> @ y: num [1:2] 0 0
#> Other props: alpha, color, fill, shape, size, stroke, auto_label,
#>              bounding_box, centroid, length, r, theta, style,
#>              tibble, xy, geom, label, place, aesthetics
#> @ radius: num [1:2] 2 1.5
#> Other props: label, alpha, color, fill, linewidth, linetype,
#>              n, area, bounding_box, circumference, diameter,
#>              length, polygon, style, tibble, geom, arc, angle_at,
#>              normal_at, tangent_at, place, point_at, aesthetics

Use unbind to make an object into a list of objects

The unbind function will perform the opposite operation as bind. It converts the elements of an object into a list of singleton objects. For example, object p has two points. Unbinding it will create a list of 2 ob_point objects.

#> [[1]]
#> S3<ggdiagram::ob_point/ggdiagram::xy/ggdiagram::shape/ggdiagram::has_style/S7_object>
#> @ x: num 1
#> @ y: num 2
#> Other props: alpha, color, fill, shape, size, stroke, auto_label,
#>              bounding_box, centroid, length, r, theta, style,
#>              tibble, xy, geom, label, place, aesthetics
#> [[2]]
#> S3<ggdiagram::ob_point/ggdiagram::xy/ggdiagram::shape/ggdiagram::has_style/S7_object>
#> @ x: num 3
#> @ y: num 4
#> Other props: alpha, color, fill, shape, size, stroke, auto_label,
#>              bounding_box, centroid, length, r, theta, style,
#>              tibble, xy, geom, label, place, aesthetics

The unbind function is needed when we want to loop through each element using lapply or purrr::map. Here we have two points and we want to put six points the both. We want to connect each element of one column to each element of the other column. Note that the output of lapply or purrr::map is a list. To make the list something that ggplot2 can plot, we can bind the list into a single object.

theta <- degree(seq(90, 360, 120))
ggdiagram() + 
  {p_3 <- ob_polar(
        theta = theta,
        r = .5,
        fill = "black",
        shape = "triangle down filled",
        size = 15)} +
  unbind(p_3) %>%
      \(p_i) {
        p_i + ob_polar(
          theta = theta, 
          r = .15, 
          color = "orchid", 
          fill = "orchid", 
          size = 15, 
          shape = "triangle filled")}) %>% 
  bind() +
  scale_x_continuous(NULL, expand = expansion(.15))
Figure 2: Using unbind, map, and bind to loop through elements.

Alternatively, we can convert each list item into a geom with as.geom.

ggdiagram() + 
  {p <- ob_polar(degree(seq(30,330,60)), 
                 r = 2, 
                 size = 10, 
                 color = "orchid")} +
  unbind(p) %>% 
    lapply(\(pp) {
      p2 <- pp + ob_polar(
        theta = degree(seq(0, 330, 30)),
        r = .5)
      s <- connect(pp, p2)
Figure 3: Using unbind, lapply, and as.geom to loop through elements.

Use map_ob to loop through object elements

To unbind, map, and then bind can be tedious every time a loop is needed. The map_ob function is a wrapper for map that unbinds the input and binds the output automatically.

ggdiagram() +
  {o <- ob_point()} +
  {p <- ob_polar(degree(c(0, 90, 180, 270)))} +
  connect(o, p, resect = 2) +
  p %>%
    map_ob(\(pp) {
      p2 <- pp + ob_polar(theta = degree(seq(45, 315, 90)),
                          r = sqrt(2) / 3,
                          color = "orchid")
           connect(pp, p2, resect = 2))
Figure 4

The ob_map function can output a list of different object types simultaneously.

theta <- degree(seq(0,300, 60))

ggdiagram() +
  {e6 <- ob_ellipse(
    center = ob_polar(
      theta = theta, 
      r = 60),
    m1 = .5,
    a = 8,
    b = 4,
    angle = theta + degree(90),
    color = NA,
    fill = "orchid4", 
    size = 4)} +
  map_ob(e6, \(e_i) {
    p_i <- e_i@center
    p_ij <- p_i + ob_polar(theta, 15)
    c_ij <- ob_circle(
      center = p_ij, 
      radius = 2,
      fill = "green4",
      color = NA)
    p_ijk <- map_ob(p_ij, \(pt_ij) {
      ob_segment(pt_ij, pt_ij + ob_polar(theta, 4) )
    list(p_ijk, c_ij)
Figure 5: Outputting a list of different object types in map_ob.

In a more practical example, every variable in the left column is connected to every variable on the right.

k <- 5
clr <- viridis::viridis(k, begin = .3, end = .7)
ggdiagram() +
  {t1 <- ob_array(ob_circle(), k = k, where = "north", 
                  fill = clr,
                  color = clr)} +
  {t2 <- ob_circle(fill = clr, color = clr)@place(
    from = t1, 
    where = "right", 
    sep = 10)} +
  map_ob(t1, \(tt) {
    connect(tt, t2, resect = 2, color = tt@color)
Figure 6: Using map_ob to the connect variables

Subsetting objects

The [ operator can subset ggdiagram objects created with ob_* functions. Object p has 2 points in it. To select the first point only:

#> S3<ggdiagram::ob_point/ggdiagram::xy/ggdiagram::shape/ggdiagram::has_style/S7_object>
#> @ x: num 1
#> @ y: num 0
#> Other props: alpha, color, fill, shape, size, stroke, auto_label,
#>              bounding_box, centroid, length, r, theta, style,
#>              tibble, xy, geom, label, place, aesthetics

The strategic use of subsetting can make otherwise repetitive tasks much less tedious. In Figure 7 we connect a ring of 12 circles with one command rather than 12.

theta <- degree(seq(0,330,30))
clr <- hsv(theta@degree / 360, s = .4, v = .6)
ggdiagram() +
  {c12 <- ob_circle(
    center = ob_polar(theta, r = 6),
    fill = clr,
    color = NA)} +
  connect(c12, c12[c(2:12, 1)], 
          resect = 2, 
          color = clr) 
Figure 7: A ring of connected circles.

Subsetting can be used for assignment in ggdiagram objects. For example, in Figure 8, the first of four points is changed from (1,5) to (0,0)

p <- ob_point(x = 1:4, 
              y = 2:5)
p[1] <- ob_point(0,0, color = "firebrick", size = 5)

ggplot() + 
  coord_equal() +
Figure 8: Subsetting objects

In Figure 9, there are 8 variables with 13 arrows connecting them. Rather than making a separate connection for each arrow, subsetting allows us to make all 13 connections with a single connect command. Using subsetting to assign variables within a for loop allows for placing the variables programmatically. If more or fewer variables are desired, setting k to another value, will create k variables and 2k − 3 connections.

# Number of variables
k <- 8L

# Make k variables
x <- ob_rectangle(ob_point(rep(0, k), rep(0, k)),
                  label = ob_label(
                    label = paste0("*X*~", 1:k, "~"),
                    vjust = .6,
                    size = 20,
                    family = "Roboto Condensed"

# Place even variables to the right and 
# odd variables below the previous variables
for (i in 2:k) {
  x[i] <- place(x[i], x[i - 1], ifelse((i %% 2) == 0, "right", "below"))

# Plot
ggdiagram() + 
  x +
  # paths between variables ahead by 1 and by 2
  connect(x[c(seq(1,k - 1), seq(1, k - 2))], 
          x[c(seq(2,k),     seq(3, k))],
          resect = 2)
Figure 9: A model with 8 variables and 13 causal paths